Trends for improving glassmaking quality control

We have a long history of manufacturing stellar blank mould gauges for countless clients. They are specifically for IS Mould Equipment in the glass container industry. Manufacturing and repairing moulds is a delicate job. So, your best chance of success is to rely on our specialist tools. We make them to ensure they are precise as well as easy to use.

Glass is one of the oldest substances that humans use. Since its discovery, many different manufacturing methods have been created. In addition, countless glassmaking trends have come and gone. One of the most important right now is the trend of improving quality control. In this post, we are going to discuss the topic in more detail.

Quality control provides great value

The manufacturers of glass containers today focus on maximising the quality of their production. Their goal is to minimise scrap parts and avoid problems that could lead to customer complaints. This can provide a huge amount of value, including saving costs and improving your reputation.

However, quality control is something you need to anticipate at the earliest stage possible. The purpose has to be to take the necessary actions straight away. It can make it easier to avoid issues.

Defect inspections

Inspection for defects on the finish, neck, body, and bottom of the containers should be performed throughout the whole production process. The in-line inspection mechanisms are primarily contactless technology. Examples include optical sensors and cameras. As a result, you can use them easily on the line to save time.

With dimension control, you should do it on a sample basis close to the production line. Take a few samples from each batch. If there is an issue with one or two, there may be flaws in the batch.

You can use go-no-go or automatic/semi-automatic gauges, or rely on manual ones. The data from these measurements should be sent to a MES. This is Manufacturing Execution Software. Decision makers can use them to monitor and fine tune the manufacturing procedure. They do this in real time.

Maximise quality with our blank mould gauges

At Penico Gauges, we are aware that more people than ever before are using moulds. Since this is the case, it is essential that everyone follows the proper and appropriate manufacturing and maintenance steps. With our first class tools, you will be able to meet all the specifications.

So, if you would like to buy blank mould gauges or other products, feel free to get in touch. We have various options to suit a range of needs.