There are many reasons to try CNC grinding

We have spent many years manufacturing top tier blank mould gauges for businesses. The Penico team always aims for excellence, and continues to improve on the designs we make. Because of this, clients make us their first choice when they need specialist tools for moulds. There are also various other areas we work in, like conventional milling and turning, wire erosion, and CNC grinding.

Anyone that has had the chance to use CNC grinding machines will have seen the advantages that they provide. Unlike traditional grinding, the CNC approach generates very light cuts. You can also achieve incredibly fine finishes with the work pieces. Something else the equipment does is make it possible for people to handle the job even if they don't have a wealth of skills. Plus, they only need minor supervision to carry out projects.

As you can see, there are plenty of reasons to choose CNC. Below you can find even more if you are still unsure whether it is right for you.

Working longer without breaks

To begin with, machines can operate for longer without breaks. Similar to other CNC mechanisms, the grinders can run all day and night without a big requirement for breaks. The only time you will have to stop them is when they need maintenance. So, you are usually free to do your projects without interruptions. The inconvenience of shutdowns is taken out of the picture.


One other huge advantage is the high degree of accuracy. You are able to program CNC machines to create cuts and fine surfaces with precision. The machine shall generate brilliant finishes that are in line with the requirements on the operating software. What this does is minimise the level of waste. There is also a lower chance of you creating something that does not meet the specifications.

Ask us about blank mould gauges and our other services

At Penico Gauges, we deliver the best products and the highest level of service to go with them. What we want the most is for your business to run as cost effectively and smoothly as possible. With our help, this is entirely achievable.

So, get in contact with our team if you would like to know about our blank mould gauges or the specialist engineering services we can offer. We support businesses around the world in a variety of industries.